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Husky Rugby

Husky Rugby competes in the Northwest Collegiate Rugby Conference under American College Rugby.

Ryan Job Memorial Rugby Scholarship

Opportunities designed to propel your rugby journey forward.

Why UW?

Our passion for the game goes beyond the field. We forge bonds that last a lifetime and create opportunities that transcend the sport.

From Our Alumni

"Attending my first rugby practice at UW, I was immediately hooked. Being a part of UW Rugby was pivotal in shaping my college years. It's more than just a sport; it's a tight-knit community where friendships are forged."

Steve G.
Class of 2002

"The best part about playing for UW rugby was the friendships that I made. The experience that I had with UW rugby eventually earned me Collegiate All-American status. I owe a lot of my life successes to my time with UW rugby."

Eddie H.
Class of 2005

"Playing rugby at UW was foundational to my life. From playing at Washington in my teens to my last games in Bermuda in my mid-fifties, I have treasured friends around the world the basis of which is our shared love of this game."

Mike M.
Class of 1982

"It’s been almost 20 years since I last pulled on the UW jersey, but the friends I made while wearing the purple and gold remain my closest friends to this day. Playing rugby at UW is, and will remain, one of my best decisions."

Austin B.
Class of 2003

"I transferred to UW my Junior year. I made the leap of faith to come out for a sport I knew nothing about, and it changed my life forever. I am forever grateful for UW Rugby."

Scott B.
Class of 2000

“I joined the UW team, fell in love with the game and played for 12 years. My best friends in the world are some of my teammates from those days.“

Chris M.
Class of 1974

"We always played above our weight when we stepped on the field. I will always hold UW Rugby near and dear to my heart and at the top of my personal rugby experiences."

Kevin S.
Coached 2012-2015
Our Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors for continually supporting Husky Rugby.

Titan Earthwork
Phinney Ridge Painting
MTI Physical Therapy
Logic 2020
Guaranteed Rate